[WHAT"S ON SALE?] S&R Annual 3-Day Sale

Hello everyone! Today, I went to S&R really early because they have their 3-Day sale. It only happens once a year so lots of members come by to avail some really awesome deals.

They open at 8AM. I arrived there at 10 past 8 and there was already a line. Thankfully, we only had to wait for 5 minutes. Yesterday, I also went there at 10AM but the line was already so long. You can check my video here to know more about that experience!

There were a lot of bath sets, cookware and alcohol on sale. Here are some of the (Buy one take one!) products that I find really interesting. Note that these are my preferences and I didn't take photos of other products like cookware and cleaning tools.

Almonds covered in Matcha

My favorite oatmeal! These makes really good oatmeal cookies!

Only thing better than Buy one take one is 50% off! 

Lemon Ginger Juice

I really want to try this but I don't know how I can possibly use up two cans.
This was delicious--sweet and salty. PLus, it's a healthy-er snack option.

Blueberry pie! 

I wanted these whole wheat cinammon loaf and crinkles but I am pretty sure they are not good for me.


I didn't get one thinking I can get it later. I was so wrong.

This is cool.

I've been wanting something like this for so long. I really hoped it was at 50% off instead.

This looks really sweet and healthy!

These products are what I covet personally--that's why I took pictures of them. I am the kind of personwho tries not to grab something as soon as I see them. I like to ponder over it for some time. Usually, I take pictures to remember the product and the prices so I can go back to it if I deem it sulit.

That's all! I hope this post is able to help you!

Shopping experience: 4/5 (Note that we were really early and we were two people who take turns shopping and falling in line)


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