That Thing Called Brazilian

Hello, human. This is the Blushing Cherub.

I have heard about that thing called Brazilian. It is a hair removal procedure that involves incomparable pain. My host body has, I noticed, hair everywhere. This is a rather interesting thing. I wanted to be hair-free again. But mostly, I wanted to know if I can feel pain.

My host body agreed. It was this or a bald head. She asked me to "please please pop an Advil 30 minutes before the procedure". My host body, out of fear, did her research.

Then came the day I have been waiting for.

I went to a place called Laybare. I wrote things down. The ladies were nice. There were no boys.

They led me to the bathroom to remove my dirt. The human body is truly dirty. I guess this is one of the things that makes them "special".

I was led to a room that has in it a small bed. A mirror hung on the wall.

I have been asked to remove my underwear.

It has begun.

I could feel my host body, awkwardly positioned, questioning my decision. Humans question everything and some of my host body's question that day was "Am I bleeding?", "What if I look weird down under?", and "What if I am not normal?". This amuses me.

It turns out my host body is very sensitive. Everything was red. But there was no blood. There was some pain, but nothing a cherub can't bear. Sometimes, the human host screams in my head, she tells me to stop. I tell the nice lady to wait a moment.

I do not know why humans prolong the pain. It was much easy to do it all at once. My human host cursed at me. She could hear my thoughts.

She asked me to stop nine times. I asked the nice lady to wait a moment every time. She was nice, she smiled at me a lot. This was, I believe, humans way to reassure people that they will be okay. Meanwhile, I have to talk to my human host and make her believe that it will be okay. I do not know how to smile. It was very hard.

I still won over her, telling her that this would mean crossing one off her bucket list. She stupidly agreed. We continued on.

I also have to turn aside to get the hair on my human host's buttocks area. There was no pain whatsoever anymore.

It was very boring.

The human host didn't agree but she knew it was worth it. One off the bucket list, alas.


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