Annyeong! Rainy season is here in Davao and sleep has never been more tempting. I woke up very late today to the soft splatter of rain and I thought "wow, this day couldn't get any better". Of course, I was wrong and I knew that immediately when I saw a package waiting for me downstairs. It was wrapped in bright orange, but inside, I knew there was a box. Bigger. Better. And in different shades of pink.
Let's take a moment to cherish it again.
Oh, it's good.
Moving on.
They were all wrapped in bubbles (can I call bubble wrap bubbles?) so they're all in prime condition. There was also pink confetti. It was all pretty but I wasn't able to take a picture because I impulsively opened everything to see them.
I needed to know they are real. I had to see what's inside the box.
Okay, that's the crazy me taking over. So anyway, here are some things I bought.
Petitfee Gold and EGF Eye and Spot Patch.
Eye patches for my beautiful eyebags. Because they are worth it.
It's my Cushion Cushion Set
This is a new thing for me. It's an empty cushion pact. My Laneige cushion doesn't match my skin tone right now because my skin is still quite tan so I've been using my Avon's CC cream. Unfortunately, it's in a tube and I want to transfer it to this one because it's easier to apply it when I'm late. You can also put your moisturizer here and mix it with your foundation so it's super convenient. Also, it's very cute! Look at it. I also bought an extra puff and sponge from this line.

I really am loving this black and white design right now. It's looks super chic.
It's My Brush Pore Spot Brush
I got this pore brush which looks and feels really amazing. The bristles were very soft, I expect a lot from this. I wanted to buy the bigger version of this, but it was a lot more expensive so I decided to try if this works first.
Aragan Glow Hair Oil
Argan oil! I love argan oil so much! I also use my Instant Glow Argan Oil for my hair but it's a bit pricey to use anywhere else aside from my face. This one from CFC Lab is new and it has other great oils mixed with Argan.Mask! My favorite. These ones are called Premium Metal Aqua and Premium Metal Snow. It looks like foil and I honestly don't know what to expect from this but they intrigued me and I like intrigue. (Also, they have a 5+5 promotion on face masks).
What's better than masks? Masks for FREE. I love Innisfree masks but there is no Innisfree in the Philippines and Althea doesn't carry these face masks either. They do carry the recipe pack which is also awesome. Face masks are so much more convenient though, so please please Althea, sell us these Innisfree masks.
To be honest, the real reason why I bought all these things was to get this Just Dragon Fruit mask. It's for free when you buy from Althea. I just finished my Innisfree recipe pack (strawberry yogurt) and this one looks really promising. It's also pink!
Another pink item is that cute pink tub there. That's a gift from Althea, which I did not expect, since I already got a lot of freebies but hey, I am not going to complain.
Banila Co.'s Clean it Zero.
I really wanted to try this makeup remover cream from Banila Co. It has amazing reviews. Unfortunately, I don't wear makeup that often so I felt like it would be a waste if I buy the huge tub. One of my favorite youtubers, joankeem, talked about this and if this passed her standards, I'm pretty sure this would be great. Thank you so much for this, Althea!
So that is all for today. It is 5:30 AM and it is raining and it's time to go to sleep.
(I have a very weird body clock but I love it.)
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