[RECAP] The Heirs episode 4
The fourth episode is out!Kamsahamnida Gooddrama.Net ^-^ WARNING: SPOILERS!SOILERS!AND LOTS OF PICTURES!
I didn't think it would be a great drama, I just watched it because of Lee Min Ho, Choi Jin Hyuk and Kim Woo Bin, but I was proven wrong. The first three episodes are okay, there wasn't really anything that makes it different from other Kdramas, but this fourth episode is just~~ daebak.
I should admit, the producers sure know how to keep the viewers hanging. The third episode ended with the three (Minho as Kim Tan, Shinhye as Cha Eun-Sang, and Jiwon as Rachel Yoo) about to part ways in the airport. One of the drama's central theme is Fate. Just as the heirs are fated to inherit whatever it is their benefactors aka parents leaves for them: a big company, an entertainment studio, and for some, poverty; it also seems that Kim Tan ang Eun Sang are destined to meet, much to Rachel's chagrin.
He then bids Rachel goodbye. We can only imagine how heartbroken the poor heiress must be.But seriously though, the number of emotions from her face is just~~ugh. She's very pretty and look at those lips (I wonder what lipstick she's wearing). I guess because she's supposed to be an emotionless bitch she's forced to not react that much.
Rachel Yoo basically being dumped
Rachel Yoo thinking
Rachel Yoo bullying Eun Sang
Seriously, there is not much of a difference.
They finally arrive in Korea, and Young-Do, her stepbrother to be, is waiting for her. Woo Bin is so funny, I can't stop laughing whenever I see him on screen (which is wrong because some scenes aren't supposed to be funny but I can't help it). I can't unsee him being Woo Bin-ish in Running Man. Kekekeke~~ the second funniest fool next to Lee Joon.
He looks so funny ^-^
I'm still wondering what happened to him and Tan before. We already know that they were the best of friends before Tan left for America. We know Tan used to date Bo-Na (Krystal). And Young-Do seems to like flirting with Bo-Na. Could it be that the two of them liked her but Young-Do gave her up for Tan and he's angry that he just left her? IDK @_@ I want to know
Eun Sang, on the other hand, returned home only to discover that her mom moved out (the money her sister took was for the rent). She was advised to sleep in a sauna for the moment. Isn't that just so cool? People in Korea can just go and sleep in a sauna. I guess that's partly why their skin are so nice.
We are then introduced to a new character. She's Ha-Neul's tutor, and is currently unnamed. Here, she is reprimanded for wearing a skirt (it was calf-length), and advised not to wear persume, V-Necks and other, you know, abominable things
I'm actuallyquite happy that the show is not that obvious in advertising products, at least not as much as other shows (think, Innocent Man and To The Beautiful You). Hello Samsung!
She's quite pragmatic
Quite a tease.
And very smart
Oh and she seems to be related to Kim Won.
A wishbone. Now I want to be her, whoever she is.
Eun-Sang's mom who happens to be very goon at black mailing the little madam. Housekeepers almost always know what their bosses are most scared of.
And Ta-da!
It's like she's talking to me!
the second wife and the mistress having a fight
No, that was just the windHello hottie
We meet again
Is it just me or does he keep on looking over with a ~deep level of interest at Eun Sang? Well whatever he's doing, he sure looks hot. And to confirm that hotness (if necessary), I suggest you watch Running Man.
I am super curious about what else happened to these half-brothers. Tan looks up to Won, but he seems to genuinely hate him. Hmmmmm~~is it really just because of the inheritance?
Let's move on to more cheerful things ^-^
Eun Sang's mom is really funny, so is Tan's mom :)
He turns in his notebook. I'm sure that this quote should have been the central theme of the story, especially in this episode, but nah, it didn't really bear that much weight in the episode. I feel that it should mean that he is ready to bear the crown but we don't see that, he came back to Korea solely for the sake of going home.
Meanwhile in Korea, a girl is dreaming
The morning after, she was forced to wake up after three hours of sleep. She then goes to a convenient store and finished the bottle of juice while half awake.
And, of course we have this cutie who sees her and is completely taken by her uncanny ability to finish the bottle of juice in such a short period of time.
She goes out and sits down only to go back to sleep again.
Even heirs seem to like eating noodles, eh?Of course, he would pick a fight with children ^-^
The children were crying while screaming for their mom.
so very him ^-^
Just as he was about to leave, his friend asks him if he got hurt. He looks at Eun Sang' back as she walks away and says this:
OMG <3And another one. Ahem.
Hello Heechul oppa. His very first cameo after he finished his mandatory military service. I promised I'll be in Korea when he gets out. Dang! Well, he seems to be pretty active in the outside world even while he is serving his duty so that his fans wouldn't feel his absence.
Heechul being Heechul kekeke~~~ I miss you oppa ^-^ seriously, the hardest question ever
When Bo-Na picked Chan-young (her loss)
When asked if she knew Chan-Young
As expected ^-^ I wish to see him in variety shows again. He's so funny :)
Heechul ruining the moment.(and being jelous, I suppose. After all, how could she not choose him?)
TBH, I'm more intersted in his dad's relationship with Rachel's mom.
While they're eating, Bo-Na finds out that Chan-Young met Tan in America. This is her face while being dumped. I can't decide whose face is better, her or Rachel...
I know she's one of those cold-looking people like her sister, Jessica. I love Jessica, Krystal is however, unspecified. But hey, she's the new face of etude, maybe I'll come to love her someday. And of course, let's consider her enviable abs. She and Park Hyung- Sik has some really funny lines though :)
You know those impossible moments that you know will not happen but you still genuinely hope will happen. This is one of them.
I told you earlier that this drama is a bit different from other dramas. It's not just becausefor once, Lee Min Ho is not the overly confident and capable person that he always seem to be in other dramas. It's because in one episode the lead characters part ways and then reunite again :)
I guess this is the benefit of having a chatty mom, some people also call it fate.Dundundundun
I told you the producers know how to tease the viewers :)
In the next episode, there's more Woo Bin and more flirting :) lovely
All the hotties are in the same school. So I guess I can see how it is comparable to hell
So excited for next week :) Thank God for sembreaks!
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